A road map to re-interpreting a lost urbanscape

A road map to re-interpreting a lost urbanscape

Project Name

Beer-Sheva Quarry Atlas

As part of the redesign of the Beer Sheba Quarry, the studio partnered with students in the Civil Architecture Unit within the Department of Architecture, Bezalel (2014). Under the instruction of the Bezalel teaching them, they offered their own interpretation of the integration of the Quarry to its surrounding urbanscape. Their work focuses on conceptual studies and research of the surrounding neighborhood, in its socio-political sphere, and separated into five chapters: Local Resources, Deserted Open Spaces, Sense of Security, Local Environment and the ‘Right to a Landscape’. 


This “Atlas” is both a physical and theoretical map to the neighborhood, creating the groundwork for any future plans on the land. These five segments become moments of action and civic negotiations in the Quarry’s future: they capture the conflicts, fears and emotions of those living around it, and give way to a new Park growing from these roots. 


Beer Sheva, Israel
Teaching Team
Arch. Liat Brix-Etgar | Arch. Matanya Sack | Arch. Dan Hasson | Arch. Bat El Yossef | Nisan Almog
Avigail Roubini | Arch. Robert Ungar | Ohad Hadad
Ariel Pila | Yana Feedman | Michal Lilenthal | Yamit Ashkenazi | Bar Mussan Levi | Hadas Salame | Stav Rabinovich | Debora Williems | Nitzan Eliahu | yael Cohen | Giulia Temin | Anat Alon | Tamar Shoshan | Diana Avshalomov | Guidia Marchisio | Yann Doduik | Giuditta Nacamulli | Itzhak Cohen Saban
In collaboration with
Bezalel Academy of the Arts, Beracha Foundation, support from the Council for Higher Education
Project Coordinator
Noam Martin
Project Curators
Prof. Arch. Yael Moria | Arch. Jonathan Cohen-Litant