Climatizing a 7000 year old archaeological city

Climatizing a 7000 year old archaeological city

Project Name

Tel Beit Shean

Beit She’an National Park houses the Roman and Byzantine ruins of the city of Beit She’an.
Beit She’an’s location has always been strategically significant, due to its position at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley, essentially controlling access from Jordan and the inland to the coast, as well as from Jerusalem and Jericho to the Galilee. It has been settled from Prehistory through the Bronze Age, Egyptian period, Iron Age, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine period, to the Early Muslim, Crusader, Mamluk, Ottoman and British periods.

Our landscape design for the archeological site focused on acclimatizing the site, to redress high temperatures and high humidity making it accessible to tourists year-round. A large shading device covers the entrance to the Beit Shaan National park, letting visitors explore a site model and listen to guides.
Soft vegetation, along with asphalt paths and palm trees demarcate main routes throughout the archeological site, while shading and cooling the environment.

Beit She'an, Israel
Nature and Parks Authority (formerly: The National Parks Authority)
1995 - Five Year Plan
about 200 hectares