Spatial interventions in Bat Yam as an urban activism

Spatial interventions in Bat Yam as an urban activism

Project Name

Bat-Yam Biennale for Landscape Urbanism

The Bat Yam Biennale for Landscape Urbanism was held twice in 2008 and 2010, Architects, landscape architects, planners, designers, artists, students and local groups from Israel and abroad were invited to design and take part in spatial interventions in ​​Bat Yam.The Bat Yam Municipality offered its urban space as a stage for experimentation, a open laboratory in the city exploring new agendas, connections, potentials and experiences between urban entities, communities, individuals and physical spaces .
Each Biennale was dedicated to a theme.

Hosting 2008
How can a city become more hospitable? The Bat Yam Biennale of Landscape urbanism creates inviting spaces for new spatial engagements.
The city’s open spaces will host “out-door rooms” and for a while, the act of hospitality will move to the city streets and spaces. Residents and visitors will invited to use these rooms as extensions of their living rooms or community clubs and conduct activities in 20 temporary outdoor public spaces throughout the city.

Timing 2010
perpetual change within slow processes is the focus of the Bat Yam Biennale for Landscape Architecture. Temporary spaces generate awareness of fleeting to ephemeral urban processes.
Timing 2010 was situated in Bat-Yam’s south west industrial zone. As part of the municipalities attempt to catalyze mixed use development on the site, the Biennale
focused on conditions of urban change and temporarily in the city as an opportunity to improve the quality of life.
The projects were divided into three categories: construction sites, city and nature, and cooperation in the city.
The projects addressed interventions and attitudes towards lengthy and long term building processes, potential relationships between the city and natural ecologists, and others questioned ownership and responsibility in the city, alongside investigations of temporarily in city.

Bat Yam, Israel
Bat-Yam municipality
Throughout the city of Bat Yam
Photo Credit
Assaf Evron